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Showing posts from March, 2024

Around Us

W riting this after a 7-month hiatus! I started this blog with through-the-roof energy and let it slide, like any master procrastinator . I told my friends I was outta ideas - while partly true, it was just the usual  dilly-daller in me that kept me from typing.  Struggled to pick a topic first, and then I actually looked around. There they were, peeps of all sorts. Observing people has always been a thing. Run a quick scan - you might be able to peek at the algorithm within.  What's seeable? 👁 Body language, appearance, behaviour, dressing - anything that makes us human. Look 👀 By now, you may have classified me as " judgy "... but judging involves forming a (usually harsh) opinion. The judgers among us hv all day - shit talking about anyone who's not with them...what's ironic is when they call others judgmental. Some are also champions at  side-eyeing . Observation ain't opinionated - it's simple facts. Get an observation right, the feelin' is sat...